住宿人员接受过火警和紧急情况的培训. 居民应该闻到烟味吗, hear or see fire immediately sound an alarm or otherwise alert authorities and vacate the building.
一旦走出大楼, please restrain residents from re-entering unless approved by Fire Chief or 校园警察 and 安全
每学期, every dormitory shall practice fire alarm drills at the beginning of each semester and randomly throughout the semester. Fire alarm drills are to be taken seriously and procedures followed as if it were an actual emergency. Residential Life Staff are trained at the beginning of the semester and the staff member on site will be responsible for following procedures.
Each time a Fire Alarm is sounded in your building a Fire Alarm and Drill Report should be completed
这份报告必须通过电子邮件发送给高级研发主任, 大厦RD, 并在报警后24小时内通知宿舍生活主任.
一旦大学官员接到龙卷风警报, the implementation of the Tornado Emergency Plan is the responsibility of all members of the University community. The LMU 校园警察 and 安全 Office Staff has the following additional roles and responsibilities.
Obtaining information in the event the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning for the campus community
Warning pedestrians of dangers while monitoring and reporting any indications of confirmed tornado
如果校园地区发布了龙卷风警报, an alert will be broadcasted over the NOAA public alert radio and local TV and radio stations. 没有哈罗盖特市的紧急警笛.
如果校园地区发出龙卷风警告, LMU校园警察和安全办公室将通知大学社区. The University community will be notified via LiveSafe notification alert or other appropriate modality. The LMU 校园警察 and 安全 Office will make a special point to notify representatives at each high risk facility by contacting the designated person for high risk facilities. 所提供的信息应与警告的类型有关, 警告到期的时间, 还有其他方向吗?.
The LMU 校园警察 and 安全 Office will issue an all clear once the warning/watch has been lifted.
远离大厅, 人行道, 中庭, 以及其他大面积的玻璃区域, 屋顶跨度大的开阔区域
Remain at the sheltered area until given the all clear by LMU 校园警察 and 安全 Office
At the beginning of each semester a designated evacuation location will be assigned to residential students
远离大厅, 人行道, 中庭和其他大型玻璃区域, 屋顶跨度大的开阔区域
如果没有庇护所, lie in a ditch or other earthen depression; and never attempt to outrun a tornado
如果大楼没有受到事故的影响, return to your previous location; and if your building was affected by the incident, 设法安全离开大楼. If unable to do so, seek help by calling the LMU 校园警察 and 安全 Office at 423-869-6911. 如果没有电话可用, 尽量制造噪音以引起外界人员的注意, 比如大喊大叫.
LMU 校园警察 and 安全 Office personnel will patrol campus following the incident to assist those affected and to dispatch additional emergency response teams if necessary. -
Hurricanes are massive storm systems that form over warm ocean waters and move toward land. 飓风的潜在威胁包括强风, 强降雨, 风暴潮, 沿海及内陆水浸, 激流, 龙卷风, 和山体滑坡. 大西洋飓风季节从6月1日持续到11月30日. 太平洋飓风季节从5月15日持续到11月30日. 飓风:
- 可能发生在任何U.S. 海岸或大西洋或太平洋的任何领土.
- 能影响内陆100英里以外的地区吗.
- 九月是最活跃的吗.
- 确定如何最好地保护自己免受大风和洪水的侵袭.
- 接到命令后立即撤离.
- 在指定的避风处或大风interior躲避.
- 收听紧急信息和警报.
- 只能在室外和远离窗户的地方使用发电机.
- 转过身来,别淹死! 不要在洪水中行走、游泳或开车.
Storm surge is water from the ocean that is pushed toward the shore by the force of the winds swirling around a hurricane. 风暴潮速度很快,可以造成沿海和内陆的极端洪水. 当飓风引起风暴潮时, over 20 feet of water can be produced and pushed towards the shore and several miles inland destroying property and endangering lives in its path.
- Storm surge is historically the leading cause of hurricane-related deaths in the United States.
- 水的重量约为1,每立方码700磅, so battering waves from surge can easily demolish buildings and cause massive destruction along the coast.
- Storm surge undermines roads and foundations when it erodes material out from underneath them.
- 仅仅一英寸的水就能给你的家造成25000美元的损失. 房主和租房者的保险通常不包括洪水造成的损失.
- 了解你所在地区的飓风风险.
- 报名参加你的 社区警报系统. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府 (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.
- 如果你有洪水泛滥的危险,留意大雨等警告信号.
- Practice going to a safe shelter for high winds, such as a FEMA safe room or ICC 500避风棚. 其次最好的保护是一个小, interior, windowless room in a sturdy building on the lowest level that is not subject to flooding.
- 根据你的位置和社区计划, 制定你自己的撤离或避难计划.
- 熟悉你的疏散区域、疏散路线和避难所的位置.
- 收集至少三天的必需品. 记住每个人的特殊需求,包括药物. 不要忘记宠物的需求.
- 将重要文件保存在安全的地方,或者创建有密码保护的数字副本.
- 保护你的财产. 清理排水沟和排水沟. 在管道上安装止回阀,防止堵塞. 考虑飓风百叶窗. 审查保险政策.
- Turn on your TV or radio in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
- 补充你的应急工具箱. 包括足够至少三天的食物和水, 药物, 一个手电筒, 电池, 现金, 以及急救用品.
- 如果你失去权力,计划如何与家人沟通. 例如,你可以打电话、发短信、发邮件或使用社交媒体. 记住在灾难中, sending text messages is usually reliable and faster than making phone calls because phone lines are often overloaded.
- 检查你的疏散区域,疏散路线和避难所位置. 和家人一起计划. 你可能很快就要离开了,所以要提前做好计划.
- 保持你的汽车处于良好的工作状态, and keep the gas tank full; stock your vehicle with emergency supplies and a change of clothes.
- 如果你有NFIP洪水保险,你的政策可以覆盖到 1,000元的损失避免措施,如沙袋和水泵,以保护您的投保财产. You should keep copies of all receipts and a record of the time spent performing the work. They should be submitted to your insurance adjuster when you file a claim to be reimbursed.
- Bookmark your city or county website for quick access to storm updates and emergency instructions.
- Bring loose, lightweight objects inside that could become projectiles in high winds (e.g., patio furniture, garbage cans); anchor objects that would be unsafe to bring inside (e.g., propane tanks); and trim or remove trees close enough to fall on the building.
- 把家里所有的窗户都盖上. 永久性防风百叶窗为窗户提供了最好的保护. 第二种选择是用5/8”外部等级或船用胶合板把窗户板起来, 切割适合并准备安装.
- 打开你的电视/收音机, or check your city/county website every 30 minutes in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
- 现在给你的手机充电,这样你就有一个充满电的电池,以防你失去电力.
- 如果你不在建议疏散的区域, 计划呆在家里或你所在的地方,让朋友和家人知道你在哪里.
- 关上防风百叶窗,远离窗户. 从破碎的窗户上飞出的玻璃可能会伤到你.
- 把你的冰箱或冰柜调到最冷的温度,只有在必要的时候才打开. 如果你失去了能量,食物会持续更长时间. Keep a thermometer in the refrigerator to be able to check the food temperature when the power is restored.
- 打开你的电视/收音机, or check your city/county website every 30 minutes in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
- 如果被告知撤离,立即撤离. 不要绕过路障.
- 如果在大风中避风, 去联邦应急管理局的安全室, ICC 500避风棚, 或者一个小的, interior, 最低层没有窗户的房间或走廊,不会被水淹.
- 如果被洪水困在建筑物内,请爬到建筑物的最高层. 不要爬进封闭的阁楼. 你可能会被上涨的洪水困住.
- 收听当前的紧急信息和指示.
- Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery outdoors ONLY and away from windows.
- 不要在洪水中行走、游泳或开车. 转身. 不被淹死! 只要6英寸的急流就能把你击倒, 一英尺高的流水可以把你的车冲走.
- 不要在湍急的水面上搭桥.
- 听取当局的信息和特殊指示.
- 清理时要小心. 穿上防护服,与他人一起工作.
- 如果电气设备是湿的,或者如果你站在水里,不要触摸. 如果这样做安全的话, 关闭主断路器或保险丝盒的电源,防止触电.
- 避免在洪水中涉水,洪水中可能含有危险的碎片. 地下或倒下的电线也可以给水充电.
- 把打电话留给紧急情况. 灾难发生后,电话系统通常会停机或占线. 使用短信或社交媒体与家人和朋友交流.
- 用照片记录任何财产损失. 联系你的保险公司寻求帮助.
- One or more of the following methods may be used to alert the campus community of a hurricane warning. 任何特定方法的使用将取决于所提出的情况.
- 紧急消息传递: LMU有应该使用的LiveSafe警报系统. LiveSafe应用程序可以通过手机下载. 电子邮件将自动发送到您的LMU邮箱.
- 口碑: 如果情况允许的话, Public Safety or other staff may provide word of mouth notification to individual present on campus that a hurricane is approaching.
- IP告密者: 知识产权检举人集中在校园的不同地方. 当飓风警报被激活时,IP线人会提醒居住者.
- 安全手机: 保安人员配备了LMU的安全电话.
紧急情况 for the Extended Learning Sites: Listed below are phone numbers to call in case of emergency for each site.
421 Park 40 North Blvd.,诺克斯维尔,田纳西州37923)-
LMU安全电话:865-585-0973或拨打911 -
查塔努加州立社区学院(Amnicola高速公路4501号, 查塔努加, TN 37406) - CSCC校园警察- 423-697-4400或拨打911
三县广场购物中心,北纬14892. 美国公路25E号,科宾210室,肯塔基州40701)
(DeBusk Farm Drive 203, Ewing, VA 24248) -
拨打423-869-6090 / 865-585-2048或拨打911 -
(601 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37920) -
LMU安全电话:865-221-9409或拨打911 -
(300 W. 市场街,金斯波特,田纳西州37660)-拨911
Lmu - dcom & 诺克斯维尔医学院
(1705 St. 玛丽街,诺克斯维尔,田纳西州37917)
佛罗里达医院坦帕健康公园(3102 E. 佛罗里达州坦帕市138大道33613号)
如果受害者需要在医院接受治疗 哈罗盖特的校园,致电校警及保安 423.869.6911. 在任何 扩展站点,叫 911. 否则,任何干预都是受害者驱动的. 在校园里和社区里都有几种选择.
田纳西州,肯塔基州,佛罗里达州的危机热线, & VA
这些资源可以帮助性侵犯和家庭暴力的受害者. 点击这里了解更多